Uses for Willpower
Willpower measures a character's strength of will and his capacity to overcome the urges and desires that tempt him. The character's Willpower Pool (the squares) can never be greates that his Willpower rating (the circles). When you use a point of Willpower, you remove it from your character's temporary Willpower Pool, not from the permanent Willpower rating. The rating stays constant, while the Poll is depleted during the story.
Willpower from the Willpower Poll fluctuates a great deal during a story. It decreases by one each time the player uses a Willpower point to have his character do something extraordinary such as gaining an automatic success. Eventually the character will have no Willpower left and will no longer ba bale to exert himself the way he once did. The character is mentally exhuasted and can't rouse himself enough to give a damn- he's expended all his Willpower.
Automatic Success: A Willpower point can be used to obtain one automatic success in an action. Only one point of Willpower can be used this way per turn, but it gives a single guaranteed success. In this fashion, it is possible to succeed automatically in any simple action simply by concentrating. For extended rolls, the extra success can make the critical difference between success and failure. there are some situations in which the Storyteller may not allow such a use of Willpower.
Resisting the Shadow: Willpower represents the strength of the Psyche and the concept of identity. In many instances where the Shadow attempts to overcome the Psyche and control a wraith. the player is allowed to make a resisted roll of Willpower against the Shadow's Angst. The most important example of this is Catharsis- se pg. 183 of the rule book.
Willpower represents the strength of a character's identity, which is definded by the character's Achetype. When a player roleplays a character's Nature and Demeanor, her wraith gains Willpoer points. Characters regain all their temporary willpower at the end of each story.
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