Pathos is a score that ranges from on to ten in normal wraiths. This trait represents sympathy with the real world and the ability to passionately defy death. It is conceivably possible that Malfeans and very ancient wraiths can go above this, but this is extremely rare. If a wraith falls to zero Pathos, she is unable to perform any Arcanos requiring Pathos until she can regain at least one point.
Angst is a score ranging from zero to ten in most wraiths. The trait represents the pain and frustration a wraith feels when she is seperated from the real world. Any wraith whose permanent Angst exceeds her permanent Willpower is easily dominated by her Shadow and will almost certainly plunge into Oblivion soon due to the Shadow's powerful urge for self destruction.
Curpus refelcts the general "health" of a wriath. It begins at ten and deminishes with each wound taken. Unlike other Storyteller characters, wraiths do not suffer penalties if they are at a lower level of Corpus, unless they are Embobied. If a character is using Embody and is wounded, she will suffer the same penalties as other materual creatures with regard to wound penalties.
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