
Known among Garou throughout Ireland, Britain and Europe as bards, storytellers and great warriors, the Fianna have earned their reputation through the centuries by mastering both sword and song. Although today the Fianna make their homes in many parts of the world, their graceful Celtic homelands are still dear to them. The bards of the Fianna are considered by all tribes to be the most gifted, even by other Gibbous Moons. Taught from birth to master the glory of song, their memories reach back farther into Garou history than any other tribe (despite the claims of those who might contest this). Fianna Ahroun are also taught the glory of battle and prove to be difficult adversaries for even the most ferocious Get of Fenris.

Out of all the tribes, the Fianna seem to be more tolerant and hold fewer prejudices than any other tribe. They do have long-standing rivalries with both the Get of Fenris and the Shadow Lords, though, and they will go to great lengths to show up or embarrass members of those tribes. For the most part, the Fianna are content with a good song and a pint of stout, but they are quick to temper and dangerous when angered. In recent years, there has been a division of loyalties among the Fianna. With the occupation of Northern Ireland by the British, Irish Fianna have lent their services to the IRA, while their British cousins have joined forces with the Provincial Army. This has been the greatest threat to Fianna security ever. The war rages on, despite pleadings from other Fianna for the fighting to cease.

Totem: The Stag

Initial Willpower: One Trait

Tribe Advantage: Heirloom
The Fianna are extremely close-knit and very familyoriented.As a result, all Fianna begin with an heirloom that can be used as a two Trait fetish. A player can spend additional Background Traits if she would like this Heirloom to be more powerful; however, a Garou can never have a fetish with more than five Traits.

Tribe Drawback: Heirloom
If a Fianna ever loses her Heirloom, or if it is destroyed, she automatically loses two Honor Renown Traits and will be unable to gain any further Renown until she has either recovered her Heirloom or received forgiveness from her Fianna elder.

Backgrounds: Fianna may select any Background.

Beginning Gifts: Persuasion, Resist Toxin

Wolf Form: In full Lupus form, the Fianna appear as huge blood-red or black wolves with green to greenishgray eyes. They look very much like dire wolves.

Organization: Family is very important to the Fianna, as blood is everything to this tribe. Fianna and their Kinfolk meet once every lunar month to settle disputes and rejoice in their Celtic heritage, spinning tales of their deeds and bringing greater glory to themselves and to the tribe. The governing body that oversees this tribe, the Council of Song, is a group of elder Garou. Each one is elected by the tribe from a different Auspice. Their responsibility is to decide all matters concerning the tribe, affairs concerning intertribal politics as well as matters pertaining to other facets of society, both human and Garou. They are well-respected among the Fianna, and their word is considered law.

Habitat: The Fianna may be found in all environments, although they prefer rural areas. The elders and their kin prefer the quiet life of farming, while the youth are apt to live in the cities among the humans and follow their ways.

Protectorate: These Garou hold close ties to the Celtic way of life and, because of this, they protect the Irish and British with a fierce passion. Due to their migrations in recent decades, they have also taken the responsibility of protecting singers and entertainers of all types.

Outlook: You believe that all the world is your stage or your pub), and believe in enjoying life to the fullest. You tend to ignore your serious cousins in the other tribes. What do they know, anyway?

Quote: "I’m concerned as much about Northern Ireland as you are, but right now, why don’t you sit your arse down and listen to the music? Damn! Bartender, another whiskey... Hey, I said shut up!"

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