The Path of Evil Revelations

We pretend obedience to the Sabbat, for it is a mighty tool of destruction. Never let the prelates know your true masters. - Johnny "Big Dog" Yeates, traitor and Corrupter

Nickname: Corrupters, Heretics
Basic Beliefs: Vampirism is the physical manifestation of all that is evil. It is the duty of all vampires to live up to their reputation as the Children of Darkness. This is the Path of diabolism. Those on this Path recognize the Infernal powers and draw support from them. This Path is practiced secretly by some within the sect, but it is not recognized by the Sabbat. Those on this Path follow it in secret. Players should not play characters following this Path.

The Ethics of the Path

· Reject all that is human within you. You are the avatar of unnatural evil.
· Support the Lords of Darkness and they will reward you.
· Hide your malevolence from your fellow Sabbat. Never reveal your true masters.
· Corrupt others whenever possible. Show them the darkness as you see it.


A coterie of Brujah who were diabolists during their mortal lives started the Path of Evil Revelations in the 1600s. The Path has managed to stay hidden throughout history, though its practitioners have been discovered and destroyed many times over the centuries.

Current Practices

The followers of this Path have many secret rituals. Some are rumored to have made pacts with powerful demons. Human sacrifice and worse have been attributed to this Path. It is rumored that at least some of the followers of this Path are immune to the Vaulderie and all other forms of the Blood Bond as a result of their evil practices.

Description of Followers

The followers of this Path are deceivers. All claim to follow one of the accepted Paths, and pretend to adhere to its precepts. To follow this Path is to be totally committed to evil - evil even beyond vampiric standards. Very few follow this Path. Some followers of this Path can be linked to the Setites. The specifics of the connection between the two groups have remained a mystery.

Following the Path

It is a mistake to follow this Path. No player should place their character on this Path. This Path is included because it is know n to exist and has had grave effects on the sect. Little is really known about its practices.

Common Abilities: All followers on this Path know Demon Lore (treat the same as Magus Lore, except as applied to demons), as well as Latin. In addition, they are generally adept at Subterfuge.

Preferred Disciplines: Auspex and Domination are highly valued Disciplines. Most followers of the Path of Evil Revelations possess secret Infernal powers granted by the demon with whom they have a pact.

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