Common Parlance
These words are in common use among all echelons of Kindred Society.
Anarch: A Kindred rebel who opposes the tyranny of elders. Anarchs
wish to redistribute the wealth and resources of a city equitably among the vampires
therein. Naturally, the elders oppose this, having cultivated their influence for
Barrens, The: The areas of a city unfit for life, including
graveyards, abandoned buildings, industiral wastelands and areas of irreversible urban
Becoming, The: The moment one passes from being a fledgling into
'full' vampire status. One may mot Become until her sire deems her ready and gains the
Prince's approval.
Book of Nod, The: A loose collection of Kindred legendry
and history. The Book of Nod chronicles the origin of the Kindred, though it has
never been published in it's entirety. Fragments of the documents and it's many partial
transcriptations circulate among certain strata of Kindred society.
Beast, The: The inchoate drives and urges that threaten to turn a
vampire into a mindless, ravening monster.
Blood: A vampire's heritagel that which makes a vampire a vampire.
Usage: "I doubt her claims to such esteemed Blood."
Blood Bond: A mystical power over another individual engendered by
partaking of a particular vampire's blood thrice; accepting blood from a vampire is an
acknowledgment of her mastery.
Caitiff: A vampire of unknown clan, or of no clan at all. Caitiff
are typically of high generation, where Caine's blood dilutes too greatly to pass any
consistent characteristics.
Camarilla, The: A sect of vampires devoted primarily to
maintaining the Traditions, articularly that of the Masquerade.
Childe: A vampire created through the Embrace --- the childe is
the progeny of her sire. The term is often used derogatorily, indicating inexperiance.
Plural childer.
Clan: A group of vampires who share common characteristics passed
on by the Blood. There are 13 known clans, all of which were reputedly founded by members
of the Third Generation.
Coterie: A small group or "pack" of Kindred, united by
the need for support and sometimes common interests.
Diablerie: The consumption of another Kindred's blood, to the
point of the victim's Final Death. Vampires of high generation may lower their generation
through this pracitce; particularly old Kindred have such rarefied tastes that mortal
blood no longer sustains them, and they must consume vampire blood.
Domain: An area of particular vampire's influence. Princes claim
entire cities as their domains, sometimes allowing lesser vampires to claim domain within.
Elder: A vampire who has experienced three or more centuries of
unlife. Elders are the most active participants in the Jyhad.
Elysium: A place where vampires may gather and discourse without
fear of harm. Elysium is commonly established in opera houses, theaters, museums and other
locations of culture.
Embrace, The: The act of transforming a mortal into a vampire. The
Embrace requires the vampire to drain her victim and then replace that victim's blood with
a bit of her own.
Fledgling: A newly created vampire, still under her sire's
Generation: The number of "steps" between a vampire and
the mythical Caine; how far descended from the First Vampire a given vampire is.
Gehenna: The imminent Armageddon when the Antediluvians will rise
from their torpor and devour the race of Kindred and the world.
Ghoul: A minion created by giving a bit of vampiric vitae to a
mortal without draining her of blood first (which would create a vampire instead).
Haven: A vampire's "home"; where she finds sanctuary
from the sun.
Hunger, The: The urge to feed, as with any living creature. For
vampires, hoever, the Hunger replaces all other drives with it's own powerful call.
Inconnu: A sect of vampires who have removed themselves from
Kindred concerns and, largely, the Jyhad. Many Methuselahs are rumored to exist among the
Jyhad, The: The secret, self-destructive war waged between the
generations. Elder vampires manipulate their lessers, using them as pawns in a terrible
game whose rules defy comprehension.
Kindred: The race of vampires as a whole, or a single vampire.
According to rumor, this term came about in the 15th or 16th century, after the Great
Anarch Revolt. Sabbat vampires scorn the term.
Kiss, The: To drink blood, especially from a mortal. The Kiss
causes feelings of ecstasy in those who receive it.
Lupine: A werewolf, the natural and mortal enemy of the vampire
Lush: A vampire who typically feeds from drugged or drunk mortals
in order to experience their inebriation.
Life, The: A euphemism for mortal blood. Many Kindred regard this
term as affected and effete.
Man, The: The mote of humanity that a vampire maintains; the spark
of mortality that distinguishes him from the Beast.
Masquerade, The: The habit (or Tradition) of hiding the existence
of vampires from humanity. Designed to protect the Kindred from destruction at the hands
of mankind, the Masquerade was adopted after the Inquisition claimed many Kindred unlives.
Prince: A vampire who has claimed a given expanse of domain as her
own, particularly a cityy, and supports that claim against other all others. The term can
refer to a Kindred of either sex.
Rouge: A vampire who feeds upon vitae of other Kindred, out of
necessity or depravity.
Sabbat, The: A sect of vampires that rejects humanity, embracing
their monstrous natures. The Sabbat is bestial and violent, preferring to lord over
mortals rather than hide from them.
Sect: A group of Kindred arguably united under a common
philosophy. The three most widely known sects currently populating the night are the
Camarilla, the Inconnu and the Sabbat.
Sire: A vampire's "parent"; the Kindred who created her.
Vessel: A source of vitae for sustenance or pleasrue, primarily