OOC - [Out of Character]
Storyteller - [Storyteller]
Website - [Refers to the Website]
Alley - [Dark Alleyway]
Apartment - [Apartment]
Church - [Church]
Graveyard - [Graveyard]
House - [House]
Shop - [Shop/Store]
Street - [Street]
Unknown - [Somewhere Unknown]
----Downtown---- - [Downtown]
Cathedral - [Granas Cathedral]
Coffee House - [Coffee House]
Dance - [Windsor Dance Academy]
District - [Ethnic District]
Field - [Ford Field]
Harbors - [Harbor District]
Head to Toe - [Head to Toe Clothing]
Hospital - [Hospital Block]
Isle - [Belle Isle]
Market - [Eastern Market]
MGM - [MGM Grand Detroit Casino]
Midnight Designs - [Midnight Designs & Perforations]
Morgue - [Wayne County Morgue]
Park - [Cass Park]
Police - [Police Station]
Science - [New Detroit Science Center]
Sectum Night Club - [Sectum
Animus Nightclub]
St. Aubin - [St.
Aubin Park & Marina]
Theater - [Majestic Theater]
Tower - [Sirius Tower]
Trolley - [Detroit Trolley Route]
Underground - [Velvet Underground Club]
University - [Wayne State University]
Warehouses - [Warehouse District]
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