Secondary Knowledges


You can set up and keep accounts in the commercially approved, conventional manner. You can also interpret accounts and find errors, tricks and embezzlement.

* Novice: Night school
* * Practiced: Junior clerk
* * * Competent: Senior clerk or junior partner
* * * * Expert: Senior partner
* * * * * Master: Nothing escapes you.

Possessed by: Business people, IRS Investigators

Specialties: Small Business, Large Corporation, Governmental, Taxes


You are familiar with the writings of the classical and medieval alchemists, and you also have some practical experience. This Ability is indirectly related to the Knowledge of Chemistry, in a manner similar to the relationship between Astronomy and Astrology. You can interpret al-chemical texts, and you understand the various symbols and ciphers used by the alchemists even when you find them in a non-alchemical context.

* Novice: A mere dabbler
* * Practiced: Apprentice, probably still dependent on a master for instruction
* * * Competent: Journeyman, capable of making your own way, but with a long road still to travel
* * * * Expert: Experienced alchemist, within reach of the greatest secrets
* * * * * Master: Maybe that lead into gold thing can really work.

Possessed by: Occultists, Scholars, some Scientists

Specialties: Transmutation, Cosmology, Lapis Philosophorum


You have studied the human phenomenon of society in many of its forms, and understand its basic rules and structures on a theoretical level. You also have some specific knowledge about one or more contemporary preindustrial societies.

* Novice: Student
* * Practiced: Grad student or research assistant
* * * Competent: Professor or veteran fieIdworker
* * * * Expert: Head of department in major university
* * * * * Master: Leading light of the field; your work shapes the future of the subject.

Possessed by: Scholars

Specialties: Physical, Social, Ancient, Theoretical, specific cultures


You have studied the remains of the past and the processes by which they are preserved and discovered. You can interpret archaeological remains and identify the likely origin of ancient artifacts; you also know a fair amount about one or more ancient cultures.

* Novice: Undergrad or amateur
* * Practiced: Graduate student or research assistant
* * * Competent: Professor
* * * * Expert: Research fellow
* * * * * Master: Doyen

Possessed by: Scholars, Enthusiastic Amateurs, Popular Authors

Specialties: Prehistoric Europe, Classical, Central America, Excavation, Underwater Archeology, Theory, Paleopathology, Paleoecology


You are trained in the design of buildings, from both functional and aesthetic points of view. You can judge where the load-bearing elements of a building are and interpret architectural plans. You instinctively know where the safest places are in the event of an explosion or earthquake.

* Novice: Student
* * Practiced: Office junior
* * * Competent: Junior partner
* * * * Expert: Senior partner
* * * * * Master: Frank Lloyd Wright

Possessed by: Architects, Structural Engineers

Specialties: Houses, Office Buildings, Public Works, Gothic

Area Knowledge

You are familiar with an area - usually a city - and know a fair amount about its structure, history, geography and mortal politics. This Knowledge does not include Kindred affairs, which are covered by the Knowledges of Kindred Lore and City Secrets (below).

* Novice: You know a fair amount for an outsider.
* * Practiced: You may have lived there for a year or two.
* * * Competent: You may have lived there for 510 years.
* * * * Expert: You're native born, and never left.
* * * * * Master: You could write the definitive book on the area.

Possessed by: Locals, Cops, Reporters, Cab Drivers

Specialties: History, Geography, Politics, Transportation, Law

Art History

You have studied art as an academic rather than practical subject, and know a great deal about its history. By looking at a piece of art, you have a good chance of identifying its place and period of origin, and in most cases you can name the artist without looking for a signature. You also have a fair idea of a piece's current market price.

* Novice: Student or amateur
* * Practiced: Grad student or enthusiastic amateur
* * * Competent: Professor or auction house bigwig
* * * * Expert: Research fellow or auction house chief
* * * * * Master: Head of a museum

Possessed by: Scholars, Enthusiasts, Auction House Personnel

Specialties: Classical, Renaissance, Masters, Impressionists, Primitive, American, Ethnographic


You know how to compile and interpret a horoscope. Given the date and time (and, according to some systems, the place) of a person's birth, you can construct a personality profile and a set of predictions about the likely course of his life. Whether you actually believe these revelations is a matter of personal taste, but you can present them in a convincing and pleasing manner to those who do believe.

* Novice: You merely dabble.
* * Practiced: Friends ask you to make horoscopes for them.
* * * Competent: You could run a small astrology business.
* * * * Expert: You could have a syndicated newspaper column.
* * * * * Master: You could work for celebrities and politicians.

Possessed by: Astrologers, Amateurs, Mystics, New Agers, Old Hippies

Specialties: Solar Horoscope, Ming Shu, Zu Wei


You study the heavens and their movements from a scientific rather than a mystical standpoint. You can identify most constellations, operate an astronomical telescope, predict sunspots, eclipses and comets, and identify most heavenly phenomena.

* Novice: Student or amateur
* * Practiced: Grad student or enthusiastic amateur
* * * Competent: Professor or Doyen of local society
* * * * Expert: Research fellow, TV host or NASA hotshot
* * * * * Master: Renowned scholar or NASA team leader

Possessed by: Scholars, Amateurs, NASA operations staff

Specialties: Planets, Galaxies, Quasars, Novas and Nebulae, Black Holes, Big Bang Theory.


You know about the nature of life, the forms it takes, and the way living organisms work. You have a reasonable chance of identifying a plant or creature, even from a fragment. You must have at least one dot in Science before you can acquire this Knowledge.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Scholars, Outdoorspersons, Gangrel

Specialties: Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Paleontology

Camarilla Lore

You know information about the Camarilla. You know who many of the princes are, who many of the real rulers are, details about the Masquerade, Camarilla history, legend and propaganda.

* Novice: What just about all Camarilla Kindred know
* * Practiced: What most Ventrue know
* * * Competent: What most Nosferatu or Tremere know
* * * * Expert: What most princes know
* * * * * Master: What most Methuselahs know

Possessed by: Camarilla Kindred, Inquisitors, Sabbat Spies

Specialties: History, Legends, Famous Rulers, Princes, Strategies, Current Activities, Secrets, Propaganda


You have studied the nature of substances and their interactions, and know how to prepare various chemical compounds. You also know how to deal with various hazardous substances. You must have at least one dot in Science before you can acquire this Knowledge.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Scholars, Pharmacists, Scientists

Specialties: Organic, Inorganic, Analysis, Safety

City Secrets

This Knowledge describes a character's knowledge of a particular city (you choose which); who is who, who has power, how its vampires relate to one another and what is going on. In Chicago by Night, this Knowledge was called Secrets. This Knowledge cannot be taken during character generation; it can only be obtained through direct experience. At the end of some stories, the Storyteller will announce the maximum number of experience points a character can allot to this Knowledge, based on what each character has discovered during the course of the story. Note that information about each Kindred community is a separate Knowledge; knowing about the Kindred of Chicago gives a character no information about the Kindred of Los Angeles, for instance.

* Novice: Whelp
* * Practiced: Naive or inexperienced
* * * Competent: You have an ear to the ground
* * * * Expert: Well-informed
* * * * * Master: Seasoned intriguer

Possessed by: Vampires, some Fearless Witch-Hunters

Specialties: Prince, Primogen, Secret Powers, Anarchs, Influences, Sabbat Presence, Havens, Masquerade

Clan Knowledge

You know information pertaining to a clan (generally, but not always, your own). This information is not privy to most and it may have taken years for you to discover any useful information. Many clan members know very little about their heritage, usually because they do not care to find out.

* Novice: What some clan members know
* * Practiced: What most ancillae know
* * * Competent: What most elders know
* * * * Expert: What most Methuselahs know
* * * * * Master: What only the clan leader knows

Possessed by: Clan Members, Tremere, Nosferatu

Specialties: Gossip, Membership, Legends, History, Gatherings

Computer Hacking

The player must have at least two dots in Computer before purchasing this Knowledge. Hacking allows the computer user to break the rules. It is not a programming skill - that requires the Computer Knowledge. Hacking represents an imaginative faculty above and beyond the use of the programming codes. In the binary computer world of yes/no, hacking represents the little bit of genius that says, "Well, maybe." When is Hacking used rather than the Computer Knowledge? When the user is breaking into other computer systems or trying to manipulate data in "real time." The Computer Ability is used for programming or other miscellaneous tasks. Hacking is used most often as a complementary Ability to Computer, but it can aid programming by allowing the character to work faster or to crack military codes that a normal programmer would not even be able to figure out.

* Novice: You are a computer geek who knows a few tricks, such as changing your grades in the university computer network.
* * Practiced: You have great "luck" in guessing computer passwords.
* * * Competent: You thought your electric bill was too high last month, but you can fix that with a few keystrokes.
* * * * Expert: Now that you have cracked the bank codes, which is it: Rio or Bermuda?
* * * * * Master: The European Community was pretty annoyed about that thermonuclear incident, but you know they can never trace it back to you.

Possessed by: Computer Geeks, CIA Operatives

Specialties: Viruses, Data Retrieval, Networking, Telecommunications


You have studied the nature of crime - when, where, how and why it is committed, the nature of the criminal mind and the history of famous cases. You are an expert on crime and law enforcement.

* Novice: Amateur
* * Practiced: Enthusiast
* * * Competent: Scholar or detective
* * * * Expert: Criminal historian or senior detective
* * * * * Master: The Shadow

Possessed by: Police, Authors, Enthusiasts, Criminal Psychologists

Specialties: Serial Killings, Unsolved Crimes, Jack the Ripper, Criminal Psychology


You may skillfully compose and interpret codes and ciphers. You can construct a code that can only be cracked by someone who scores as many successes as you have dots in this Knowledge. You can also crack a code, rolling this Knowledge against a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller depending on the code's complexity.

* Novice: Grade-school spy fan
* * Practiced: Word puzzle buff, military signals officer
* * * Competent: Intelligence officer
* * * * Expert: Intelligence cipher specialist
* * * * * Master: James Bond

Possessed by: Spies, Puzzle Buffs, Military Signals Personnel

Specialties: Letter Shifts, Mathematical Encryption, Obscure Character Sets


You know what an economy is and how one works. Coupled with Area Knowledge, this Ability enables you to determine the origin and destination of every penny in the city. You can study a city or country and gain a fair understanding of its economic condition and the reasons for such.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student or business journalist
* * * * Expert: Professor or economic consultant
* * * * * Master: Research fellow or presidential advisor

Possessed by: Scholars, Economists, Business people, Politicians, Barroom Pundits

Specialties: Private Sector, Public Sector, Stock Market, Taxes, International


You are familiar with the construction and operation of electronic devices. You can identify the function of an unknown electronic device, and diagnose and repair a malfunctioning or broken device given time and equipment. Note that electronic devices are not the same as electrically powered mechanical devices - a hair dryer is mechanical, a radio is electronic.

* Novice: Tinkerer
* * Practiced: Ham radio operator
* * * Competent: TV repairman
* * * * Expert: Computer engineer
* * * * * Master: Computer hardware designer

Possessed by: Enthusiasts, Service Engineers, Inventors

Specialties: Radio/TV, Control Systems, Information Systems


You can understand, design and diagnose faults in mechanical systems of all kinds. You may not actually be able to build and fix them - such activities fall under the purview of the Mechanic Skill - but you can design a set of plans from which a skilled mechanic can build almost anything from a toaster to an airplane.

* Novice: Amateur
* * Practiced: Student
* * * Competent: Junior engineer
* * * * Expert: Chief engineer
* * * * * Master: Ace inventor

Possessed by: Engineers, Model Makers, Inventors

Specialties: Automotive, Air, Marine, Domestic, Maintenance/Repair, Invention

Faerie Lore

You possess information pertaining to the Seelie and Unseelie faeries, and know something of their great kingdom: Arcadia. Because Kindred are unable to travel to this realm, most of your knowledge is hearsay, and thus difficult to verify.

* Novice: Your knowledge is largely speculation and hearsay.
* * Practiced: You know some relevant facts.
* * * Competent: You possess a general knowledge of their ways.
* * * * Expert: You possess expansive knowledge.
* * * * * Master: You think you know the secrets of these creatures.

Possessed by: Faeries, Lupines, Occultists, Vampires, Magi, Witch-Hunters

Specialties: Enchanting Music, Faerie Food, Somniare, Atlantium, Antrum, Caelum, Barathrum, Tartarus


You are trained in the recognition and interpretation of physical clues. You can examine the scene of a crime, for instance, and find out the race, sex, build, hair color, clothing type and probable social class of ev eryone who was there in the last three to four days. You can examine a body and discover the cause and probable circumstances of death.

* Novice: Amateur sleuth
* * Practiced: Detective, FBI agent
* * * Competent: Police specialist
* * * * Expert: FBI specialist
* * * * * Master: Sherlock who?

Possessed by: Amateur Detectives, Police, FBI

Specialties: Scene of Crime, Pathology, Ballistics, Fingerprints


You have studied the physical composition of the earth. You know something about the physics and chemistry of rock, the formation of landscape features, and other related topics. You can identify the type and probable source of a piece of stone; evaluate a likely place to look for oil, precious metals and gems; and identify and refine ores. One dot in Science is necessary to take this Knowledge.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student or oilman
* * * * Expert: Professor or prospecting consultant
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Scholars, Oilmen, Prospectors, Outdoors Types, Miners, Structural Engineers

Specialties: Petrology, Geomorphology, Prospecting, Paleontology, Engineering


You have studied the art and language of heraldry, and can interpret a heraldic device such as a coat of arms or a Japanese mon. You can also design a new one that the ruling authorities of heraldry would find acceptable. Successful recognition of a heraldic device automatically imparts a small amount of information about the family or organization to which it belongs.

* Novice: Amateur
* * Practiced: Enthusiast or historian
* * * Competent: Grad student or genealogist
* * * * Expert: Professor or junior herald
* * * * * Master: Research fellow or king of arms

Possessed by: Enthusiasts, Historians, Genealogists, Heralds

Specialties: British, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian, Japanese, Modern, Mercantile


You have studied the history of the world or of a specific area or period, and understand what happened, when, why, and who was involved. You a lso have a fair idea of social, political, economic and technological conditions in various past times and places. Note that in the case of vampires, this Knowledge relates only to times and places that are outside their direct experience. For instance, a vampire born in ancient Rome would rely on memory for knowledge of Roman history and culture, but would use History to uncover information about classical Greece, which was before his time, or about Tokugawa Japan which was outside his experience.

* Novice: Amateur or high school
* * Practiced: Enthusiast or college student
* * * Competent: Grad student or author
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Enthusiasts, Scholars

Specialties: Political, Intellectual, Social, Economic, Technological, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa, Australia

Kindred Lore

This Knowledge cannot be taken during character generation; it can only be obtained through direct experience. Kindred Lore reflects a character's knowledge of the great secrets of the Kindred. the Jyhad, Gehenna, the Antediluvians, Methuselahs, Inconnu and the Book of Nod. At the end of some stories, the Storyteller will announce the maximum number of experience points a character can allot to the acquisition or improvement of this Knowledge, based on what each character has discovered during the course of the story. Unlike the Occult Knowledge, most of what you know about your subject is actually true (though certainly not all).

* Novice: But a whelp
* * Practiced: Still mostly unfamiliar
* * * Competent: Broad familiarity with the legends
* * * * Expert: Knows a few of the great secrets
* * * * * Master: Possessor of some of the great secrets

Possessed by: Vampires, some Fearless Witch-Hunters

Specialties: Jyhad, Inconnu, Antediluvians, Caine, Book of Nod, Gehenna


You are familiar with the literature of one or more nations or historical periods, and know something of the general style and structure of literature - the things that set literature apart from mere fiction or entertainment. You can usually find a witty and appropriate quote, or identify a quotation if you see one.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student or struggling author
* * * Competent: Grad student or critic
* * * * Expert: Professor or recognized author
* * * * * Master: Research fellow or celebrated author

Possessed by: Scholars, Authors, Critics, Culture Vultures

Specialties: The Novel, Poetry, Drama, English, American, European, Classical, Medieval, Asian, Islamic

Lupine Lore

You possess information pertaining to werewolves- what they eat, when they gather, their strengths and their weaknesses. You can use this Knowledge to discover how best to combat them, or how to bring about a peace between their tribes and you. Unlike the Occult Knowledge, most of what you believe about your subject is actually true (though certainly not all).

* Novice: Your knowledge is largely speculation and hearsay.
* * Practiced: You know some relevant facts.
* * * Competent: You possess a general understanding of your subject.
* * * * Expert: You possess expansive knowledge.
* * * * * Master: You know as much about them as they do themselves.

Possessed by: Vampires, Magi, Witch-Hunters

Specialties: Tribes, Totems, Spirit Guides, Packs, Ancestors

Mage Lore

You are familiar with the lore of magic and witchcraft. You know of the ancient orders of wizards: their cabals, covenants, and secret rituals. More importantly, you also know about their modern counterparts. Unlike the Occult Knowledge, most of what you believe about your subject is actually true (though certainly not all).

* Novice: Your knowledge is largely speculation and hearsay.
* * Practiced: You know some relevant facts.
* * * Competent: You possess basic knowledge of the mystic ways.
* * * * Expert: You possess expansive knowledge.
* * * * * Master: You understand the theory of magic.

Possessed by: Vampires, Mages Witch-Hunters

Specialties: Rituals, Wicca, Astrology, Order of Hermes, Kabbalah, Mystic Traditions


You have studied the science of numbers; you are able to perform complex calculations and understand mathematical concepts beyond basic arithmetic. Given part or all of a calculation, you can probably decipher what it is intended to achieve.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student or scientist
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Scholars, Scientists

Specialties: Pure Mathematics, Mechanics, Statistics


You know about the properties and behavior of metals and alloys. Given time and equipment, you can identify almost any metal or alloy from a sample. You know the melting points, stress limits and other characteristics of most common metals and alloys. You must have at least one dot in Science to take this Knowledge.

* Novice: Student
* * Practiced: Grad student or apprentice
* * * Competent: Professor or engineer
* * * * Expert: Engineer
* * * * * Master: Chief engineer

Possessed by: Scholars, Engineers, Inventors

Specialties: Iron, Steel, Copper Alloys, High-Stress Alloys, Conductors


Either through study or experience, you know a thing or two about weather. You can tell if it's going to rain this afternoon, tonight or tomorrow; what the chance of snow is; or whether the skies will be cloudy or clear for the next few days. You can predict what the day's high and low temperatures will be, and so on.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College, weekend camper or TV weatherman
* * * Competent: Grad student or outdoor enthusiast
* * * * Expert: Professor or farmer
* * * * * Master: God calls you up and tells you.

Possessed by: Scholars, TV Weathermen, Outdoors Types, Farmers

Specialties: Theoretical, Local Area, Prediction

Military Science

Through intensive study or actual battle experience, you are familiar with the techniques needed to conduct a military campaign. Your knowledge spans the spectrum of war, from the tactics required to command a 10-man squad to the grand strategy needed to command whole armies. You know how best to deploy your forces, cut off supply lines and capture vital territory.

* Novice: Citadel graduate
* * Practiced: NCO
* * * Competent: Brigadier general
* * * * Expert: Julius Caesar
* * * * * Master: Sun Tzu

Possessed by: Military Personnel, Ex-Knights, Wargamers, Black Hand Warriors

Specialties: Phalanx, Large-Scale, One-on-One, Modern, Sieges, Sabbat


You are a student of animal behavior. Through study or experience, you know when and where to find certain animals, how to watch them without provoking them to run away or attack you, and how they react to certain things. You can, by reading natural signs, predict whether there is a predator or some other threat in the area, and can interpret an animal's mood through its behavior.

* Novice: Boy Scout
* * Practiced: Outdoors type
* * * Competent: TV nature show host
* * * * Expert: Seasoned fieldworker
* * * * * Master: David Attenborough

Possessed by: Biologists, Outdoor Types, Hunters, Farmers, Wildlife Photographers, Lupines

Specialties: Temperate Forest, Jungle, Plains, Mountains, Coast, Arctic, Desert


You have studied the science of matter, its composition and its behavior. You can calculate masses and velocities without even thinking about so doing, you know a little about why the universe is the way it is, and you might even understand the Theory of Relativity. You can understand and interpret physical data, the notes of other physicists, and experimental or laboratory equipment. You must have at least one dot in Science to take this Knowledge.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Research fellow

Possessed by: Scholars, Engineers, Scientists

Specialties: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Hydrodynamics, Aerodynamics, Astrophysics, Optics, Electronics, Nuclear, Theoretical, Applied


You have a formal education in the science of human nature. You know the modern theories of emotion, cognitive development, personality, perception and learning. Though this is largely a scholarly understanding of the human psyche, it can be used practically, to understand those around you.

* Novice: High school
* * Practiced: College student
* * * Competent: Grad student
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Theorist

Possessed by: Teachers, Researchers, Scientists, Counselors, Psychologists

Specialties: Behaviorism, Freudian, Jungian, Humanist, Developmental, Experimental, Animals

Sabbat Lore

You know information available only to members of the Sabbat. If you are not Sabbat and you possess this Knowledge, you had better keep it a secret. If the Sabbat were to find out, your unlife expectancy would plummet. You know Sabbat history, legends, rituals, tactics, strategies and much more.

* Novice: What almost all Sabbat know
* * Practiced: What most Sabbat priests know
* * * Competent: What most Sabbat bishops know
* * * * Expert: What most Sabbat archbishops know
* * * * * Master: What the prisci, cardinals and Regent know

Possessed by: Archons, Sabbat

Specialties: History, Auctoritas Ritae Famous Sabbat, Local Sabbat, Propaganda

Sewer Lore

You know much about sewers in general and a great deal about the sewer system in your own city. This is valuable because it allows you to know what tunnels to take to go where you want to go. You know where the havens of the Nosferatu are, and you know where the city's Giovanni meet. You may know of other creatures in the sewers. You can survive safely and indefinitely in the sewers if you need to do so. You also have enough general knowledge to navigate through unfamiliar sewers and emerge close to your destination.

* Novice: You are a real tunnel rat.
* * Practiced: What a city worker might know
* * * Competent: What a Nosferatu or Giovanni would know
* * * * Expert: What older Nosferatu would know
* * * * * Master: What a Nosferatu elder might know

Possessed by: Nosferatu, Giovanni, some Malkavians, City Employees, Sewer Monsters, some Street People, Dwarves, Bone Gnawers

Specialties: Havens, Food, Hiding Places, Shortcuts, Slums

Spirit Lore

You know of the spirit world, and its structure and forms. Though you may not necessarily have the ability to travel astrally, you understand how the process works. The world of ghosts is also known to you. Unlike Occult Knowledge, most of what you believe about your subject is actually true (though certainly not all).

* Novice: Watched one of those bad TV shows.
* * Practiced: Got scared in a haunted house.
* * * Competent: You know where they are.
* * * * Expert: You know what they are.
* * * * * Master: You know why they are.

Possessed by: Werewolves, Mages, Vampires, Psychics, Clairvoyants, Witch-hunters

Specialties: Benign Spirits, Malevolent Spirits, Mischievous Spirits, Astral Travel, Specific Site, Hauntings


Religion is a familiar aspect of human endeavor for you, and you fully understand its place in the world. At higher levels, this Knowledge imparts an appreciation for all religious beliefs, while less skilled individuals tend to view their own beliefs as intrinsically superior to any others. This, of course, varies by individual. Possession of this Knowledge in no way requires personal belief in the tenets of any specific religion.

* Novice: Participant
* * Practiced: Altar boy
* * * Competent: Priest
* * * * Expert: Professor
* * * * * Master: Theologian

Possessed by: Missionaries, Priests, Pastors, Nuns, Theologians. Atheists

Specialties: Women's (often called Theaology), Comparative, Liberation, Agnosticism, Christian, Buddhist, Branch Davidian


You have a working knowledge of poisons, their effects and antidotes. You can analyze a poison to ascertain its origin, and can mix a poison or antidote given time and equipment. You must have at least one dot in either Chemistry or Biology to acquire this Knowledge.

* Novice: Dabbler
* * Practiced: Detective; mystery reader
* * * Competent: Pharmacist; mystery writer
* * * * Expert: Forensic scientist; emergency room doctor
* * * * * Master: Assassin

Possessed by: Mystery Buffs, Detectives, Pharmacists, Medics, Assassins

Specialties: Venoms, Chemical Poisons, Herbal Poisons, Analysis, Antidotes, Instant Poisons, Slow -Build Poisons, Undetectable Poisons.

Wyrm Lore

Some vampires delve into the lore of the Lupines' enemy - the Wyrm. This is dangerous; for every bit of information they gain, they risk destruction or corruption. For more information on the Wyrm, see Werewolf: The Apocalypse or Book of the Wyrm.

* Novice: You are aware of and can name many Wyrm creatures.
* * Practiced: You know there are many Wyrm manifestations (Triatic Wyrms, Urge Wyrms). You may know some of the Black Spiral Dancers' pictograms.
* * * Competent: You know something of the geography and people of Malfeas.
* * * * Expert: You know of the Black Spiral Labyrinth and some of its secrets.
* * * * * Master: You are a danger to the Wyrm and yourself.

Possessed by: Black Spiral Dancers, Uktena Banetenders, Pentex Board Members

Specialties: Triatic Wyrm, Urge Wyrms, Monsters, Banes, Black Spiral Dancers, Malfeas

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