

Smell of the Grave (1-pt. Flaw):
You exude an odor of dampness and newly turned earth, which no amount of scents or perfumes will cover. Mortals in your immediate presence become uncomfortable, so the difficulties of all Social rolls to affect mortals increase by one.

Troglodyte (1-4-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Nockers):
You are a throwback to the original goblins and are used to life underground. Bright lights bother you, and it's difficult for you to see in situations involving anything brighter than firelight. If you have the one-point Flaw, you are mearly sensative to bright lights; the difficulties of all Perception rolls based on sight are increased by two in situations involving sunlight. This difficulty is lowered by one when you wear dark glasses. If you have the four point Flaw, you are a true Troglodyte. Your eyes are luminous saucers in your Fae mien. Light hurts your eyes, and gives you a splitting headache. You are completely blind in any surroundings brighter than firelight, though you can see if you wear extreamly dark glasses. Even with such protection, the difficulties of all activities involving sight under such circumstances are increased by three.

Color Blindness (1-pt. Flaw):
You can only see in black and white. Color means nothing to you, though you are sensitive to color density, which you perceive as shades of gray. This makes it impossible to use the Level Two Auspex power of Aura Perception. Note: color blindness actually indicates an inability to distinguish between two colors, but we fudged a bit for the sake of brevity.

Short (1-pt. Flaw):
You are well below average height --- four and a half feet tall or less. You have difficulty reaching or manipulating objects designed for normal adult size, and your running speed is one half that of a normallly proportioned human.

Hard of Hearing (1-pt. Flaw):
Your hearing is defective. The difficulty of any die rolls involving the use of hearing are increased by two.

Allergic( 1-3 pt. Flaw):
You are allergic to some substance, in a manner not unlike mortal allergies. However, you do not get hives or sneeze, but are actually incapacitated by your reaction. If the substance was in the blood you drank, the reaction will be very strong, though touch alone is enough to disturb you. If it was in the blood, you will have five fewer dice on all your Dice Pools for 10 minutes - if you just touched it, the penalty is reduced to two dice. Choose from the list below or make up the substance to which you are allergic.

· Plastic: 1 pt
· Alcohol: 2 pt
· Illegal Drugs: 2 pt
· Metal: 3 pt

Bad Sight (1-or 3-pt. Flaw):
Your sight is defective. The difficulties of any die rolls involving the use of your eyesight are increased by two. As a one-point Flaw, this condition can be corrected with glasses or contacts; as a three-point Flaw, this condition is too sevear to be corrected.

14th Generation (2-pt. Flaw):
You were created five or fewer years ago by a member of the 13th generation. Though you have 10 blood points in your body, only eight of them may be used to heal wounds, power Disciplines, raise Attributes, ect. Obviously, taking this Flaw precludes you from taking the Generation background, and you may not start with Status, either. You are likely a clanless Caitiff, for your blood is probably too thin to pass down to the distinguishing characteristics of a clan. Most 14th-Generation vampires should also take the Thin Blood Flaw.

Infectious Bite (2-pt. Flaw):
You lack the enzymes that allow most Kindred to seal the wounds caused by their feeding. You may not automattically lick the wounds of your feeding closed. In fact, your bites have a one in five chance of becoming infected and causing mortal victims to become seriously ill. The precise nature of the infection is determined by the Storyteller.

One Eye (2-pt. Flaw):
You have only one eye ---- which eye is missing is up to you. The difficulties of all Perception rolls involving eyesight are increased by two, and the difficulties of all the die rolls reguarding depth perception are increased by one. (this includes ranged combat)

Selective Digestion (2-pt Flaw):
You can digest only certain types of blood. You can choose whether you can drink only cold blood (the blood of a dead person), blood with the taste of fear (found in blood only in moments of terror), or blood with the taste of joy, or perhaps only certain types (A, O, etc.) of blood. This Flaw may not be taken by Ventrue characters, since they already have something like it through their clan weakness.

Disfigured (2-pt. Flaw):
A hideous disfigurement makes your appearance disturbing and memorable. The difficulties of all die rolls relating to social interaction are increased by two. You may not have an Appearance rating greater than 2.

Child (3-pt. Flaw):
You were a small child (between five and 10 years old) at the time of your Embracement, leaving your Physical Attributes underdeveloped and making it difficult to interact with some aspects of mortal society. You may not have more than two dots in strength and stamina, except when raising Physical Attributes with blood points, and the difficulties of all die rolls when attempting to direct or lead mortal adults are increased by two. Characters with this Flaw must also purchase the Short Flaw.

Deformity (3-pt. Flaw):
You have some kind of deformity ----a misshapen limb, hunchback, clubfoot, ect. ---- which affects your physical abilities and interactions with others. A hunchback, for instance, would lower a character's Dexterity by two dots and increase the difficulty of die rolls relating to social skills by one. It is the responsibility of the Storyteller to determine the specific effects of the deformity chosen.

Lame (3-pt. Flaw):
Your legs are damaged, which prevents you from running or walking easily. You are forced to walk with a cane or possibly leg braces, and have a pronounced limp to your stride. Your walking speed is one-quarter that of a normal human, and running is impossible.

Monstrous (3-pt. Flaw):
Your physical form was twisted during the Embrace, and now reflects the Beast that rages inside you. Characters with this Flaw appear to be savage monsters and have Appearance ratings of zero. Even Nosferatu have difficulty interacting with such individuals.

One Arm (3-pt. Flaw):
You have only one arm - choose which, or determine randomly at character creation. This happened before the Embrace. It is assumed that you are accustomed to using your remaining hand, so you suffer no off-hand penalty. However, you do suffer a two-dice penalty to any Dice Pool  where two hands would normally be needed to perform a task. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit Ambidextrous.

Permanent Wounds (3-pt. Flaw):
You suffered injuries during your Embrace which your transformation somehow failed to repair. At the beginning of each night, you rise from your sleep with the Wounded health level, though this may be healed by spending blood points.

Slow Healing (3-pt. Flaw):
You have difficulty healing wounds. It requires two blood points to heal one health level of normal damage, and you heal one health level of aggravated damage ever five days (plus the usual five blood points and Willpowe expenditure).

Addiction (3-pt. Flaw):
You suffer from an addiction to a substance, which must now be present in the blood you drink. This can be alcohol, nicotine, hard drugs or simply adrenaline. This substance always impairs you in some fashion (see "Poisons and Drugs" for particulars).

Mute (4-pt. Flaw):
You cannot speak. You may communicate with the Storyteller and describe your actions, but cannot talk to the player or Storyteller characters unless everyone concerned uses Linguistics dots to purchase a commonly understood sign language or you write down what you wish to say.

Thin Blood (4-pt. Flaw):
Your blood is thin, weak and does not sustain you well. All blood point cost are doubled (e.g., using blood-related Disciplines or healing damage), and you are unable to create a blood bond. Furthermore, efforts to sire another vampire succeed only 20% of the time.

Disease Carrier (4-pt. Flaw):
Your blood carries a lethal and highly contagious disease. The disease can be anything from rabies to HIV, and Kindred who drink your blood have a 10 percent chance of becoming a carrier as well. You must spend an extra blood point each night on awakening, or you will begin manifesting symptoms of the disease (increased chance to frenzy for rabies, reduced soak rolls for HIV, ect.).

Deaf (4-pt. Flaw):
You cannot hear. While you may ignore some applications of Dominate, you may not listen to electronic or vocal media, and the difficulties of many Alertness rolls are increased by three.

Flesh of the Corpse (5-pt. Flaw):
Your flesh does not fully regenerate itself once it is damaged. While you are able to heal yourself to the point of regaining full functionality, your skin still retains the cuts, tears, bullet holes, ect., which you have incurred. Depending on the nature of the damage, this Flaw will make social dealings exceedingly difficult.

Blind (6-pt. Flaw):

You cannot see. Characters can compensate for the loss of vision by becoming more sensitive to other sensory input, but bisual cues and images are lost to them. Actions involving hand-eye coordination are very difficult to perform, especially under stressful conditions. Difficulties of all Dexterity-based rolls are increased by two. Oddly, vampires with Level Two Auspex (Aura Perception) are still able to use this ability, though the information is interpreted via the other senses.

Paraplegic (6-pt. Flaw):
You can hardly move without assistance, such as a pair of crutches or a wheelchair. Even then it can be painful and cumbersome to do so. The Storyteller and you should take care to roleplay this Flaw correctly, no matter how difficult it makes things. A character may not take this Flaw along with the Merit of Double-Jointed.


Deep Sleeper (1-pt. Flaw):
When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. The difficulty of any die roll to awaken during the day is increased by two.

Illiterate (1-pt. Flaw):

Through lack of education or as the result of a condition like dyslexia, you are unable to read or write.

Intolerance (1-pt. Flaw):
You have an unreasoning dislike of a certain thing. This may be an animal, a class of person, a color, a situation, or just about anything at all. The difficulties of all dice roll involving the subject are increased by two. Note that some dislikes may be too trivial to be reflected here-a dislike of White Wolf Magazine or tissue paper, for instance, will have little effect on play in most chronicles. The Storyteller is the final arbiter on what you can pick to dislike.

Nightmares (1-pt. Flaw):
You experiance horrendous nightmares every time you sleep, and memories of them haunt you during your waking hours. Upon awakening, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) or lose a die on all actions for that night. A botched Willpower roll indicated that, even when awake, you still believe that you are locked in a nightmare.

Overconfident ( 1-pt. Flaw):

You have an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own worth and capabilities-you never hesitate to trust your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat. Because your abilities may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to blame. If you are convincing  enough, you can infect others with your overconfidence.

Prey Exclusion (1-pt. Flaw):
You refuse to hunt a certain class of prey. You might refuse to feed upon drug dealers, or policemen, or accountants, or rich people --- if you accidently feed upon such an individual, you automattically frenzy and must make a roll to prevent Humanity loss (difficulty 7). Witnessing other Kindred feeding on the object of your exclusion might also provoke a frenzy, at the Storyteller's discretion. Ventrue, owing to the limitations imposed on their feeding by their clan weakness, may not take this Flaw.

Shy (1-pt. Flaw):
You are distinctly ill at ease when dealing with people and try to avoid social situations whenever possible. Difficulties for all rolls involving social situations whenever possible. Difficulties for all rolls involving social interactions with strangers are increased by two. If the character becomes the center of attention in a large group, difficulties are increased by three.

Soft Hearted (1-pt. Flaw):
You cannot stand to watch other suffer. You avoid any situation that involves causing someone physical or emotional pain, unless you make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). You must have a Humanity rating of 7 or above to take this Flaw.

Speech Impediment (1-pt. Flaw):
You have a stammer or other speech impediments that hampers verbal communication. The difficulties of all die rolls involving vertbal communication are increased by two. You must roleplay this Flaw whenever possible.

Amnesia (2-pt. Flaw):

You are unable to remember anything about your past, yourself or your family, though your past might well come back to haunt you. Your origins and the circumstances behind your amnesia are for the Storyteller to determine, and she is encouraged to make it as interesting as possible.

Confused (2-pt. Flaw):
You are often confused, and the world seems to be a very distorted and twisted place. Sometimes you are simply unable to make sense of things. You need to roleplay this behavior all the time to a small degree, but your confusion becomes especially strong whenever stimuli surround you (such as when a number of different people talk all at once,   or you enter a nightclub with loud pounding music). You may spend Willpower to override the effects of your  confusion, but only temporarily.

Low Self-lmage (2-pt. Flaw):
You lack self-confidence and don't believe in yourself You have two fewer dice in situations where you don't expect to succeed (at the Storyteller's discretion, though the penalty might be limited to one die if you help the Storyteller by pointing out times when this Flaw might affect you ). At the Storyteller's option, you may be required to make Willpower rolls to do things that require self confidence, or even to use a Willpower point when others would not be obliged to do so.

Phobia (2-pt. Flaw):
You have an overpowering fear of something. Spiders, snakes, crowds and heights are examples of common phobias. You must make a Courage roll everyime you encounter the object of your fear. The difficulty of the roll is determined by the Storyteller, and if you fail the roll you must retreat from the object.

Short Attention Span (2-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
Much of a Sluagh's time can be spent poring over complex problems, seperating informational wheat from chaff. This requires time, and most of all, patience. Unfortunately, with a Short Attention Span, patentice is something you have in short supply. You bounce from idea to idea, project to project, never finishing one before starting the next. Even if you've promised to finish with for someone else, you never quite seem to be able to get around to it, particularly when there are so many more exciting things to which you could devote yourself. (Alas, each of these eventually pales, and you're left with a string of unfinished pieces, which depresses you so much that you want to wipe the slate clean and start on something completely new...) For a Sluagh with a Short Attention Span to finish a piece of work that cannot be done in a single sitting, the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6); otherwise the nessicary work will be left undone. This roll must be made everytime the project is returned to. A Sluagh with this Flaw is treated like a child among others of her Kith. A Sluagh with no patience to watch is no real Sluagh at all.

Short Fuse (2-pt. Flaw):
You are easily angered. Difficulties to avoid frenzy are two greater. Brujah vampires cannot take this Flaw, as they already suffer from a similar malady.

Territorial (2-pt. Flaw):
You are extreamly territorial, staking out a particular area as your hunting ground and reacting aggressivly to trespassers. If another vampire enters your territory uninvited, you must make a frenzy roll. If you fail, you immediantely attack the interloper and continue attacking until the intruder is dead or has left your hunting grounds. You are reluctant to leave your territory except in desperate circumstances.

Vengeful (2-pt. Flaw):
You have a score to settle, incurred either during your mortal days or after the Embrace. You are obsessed with taking your revenge on an individual or group, and it is your overriding priority in any situation where you encounter the object of your revenge. You may temporarily resist your need for vengeance by spending a Willpower point.

Lunacy (2-pt. Flaw):

You are affected by the phases of the moon, increasing your chances to frenzy. Under the crescent moon, difficulties to avoid frenzy are increased by one. Under the half or gibbous moon, difficulties rise by two. When the moon is full, difficulties increase by three.

Weak-Willed (2-pt. Flaw):
You are highly susceptible to Dominate and intimidation by others; Dominate attempts to automattically affect you unless the
Discipline wielder is of higher generation, and your difficulties to resist Social abilities such as Intimidation or Leadership, as well as mind-altering spells or magic, are increased by two. Your Willpowe Trait may never rise above 4.

Absent-Minded (3-pt. Flaw):
This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration. Though you do not forget such things as Knowledges or Skills, you do forget names, addresses, and when you last ate. In order to remember anything more than your own name and the location of your haven, you need to make a Wits roll or, as a last resort, spend a Willpower point.

Driving Goal (3-pt. Flaw):
You have a personal goal, which sometimes compel and directs you in startling ways. The goal is always limitless in depth, and you can never truly achieve it. It could be to eradicate the Sabbat or achieve Golconda.. Because you must work toward your goal throughout the chronicle though you can avoid it for short periods by spending Willpower), it will get you into trouble and may jeopardize other actions. Choose your driving goal carefully, as it will direct and focus everything your character does.

Hatred (3-pt. Flaw):
You have an unreasoning hatred of a certain thing. This hate is total and largely uncontrollable. You may hate species of animal, a class of person, a color, a situation-anything. You must make a frenzy roll whenever faced with the object of your hatred. You constantly pursue opportunities to harm the hated object or to gain Dower over it.

Conspicuous Consumption (4-pt. Flaw):

It is not enough for you to draw nourishment from the blood of mortals --- you believe you must also consume your victim's heart, liver and other blood-rich tissue. Of course, this will necessitate the deaths of all your victims (unless you are extreamly creative), which might lead to numerous problems with the Masquerade and maintaining Humanity. Characters with this Flaw must additionally purchase the Eat Food Merit.

Inept (5-pt. Flaw):
You are not attuned to your natural aptitudes, and therefore have five fewer points to spend on your Talents (so the greatest number of points you can spend on your Talents at the beginning of play would be eight, and the fewest would be zero). Of course, you can still spend freebie points to buy Talents. However, at the beginning of the game, you cannot have more than three dots in any Talent.

Uneducated (5-pt. Flaw):
As Inept, above, but dealing with Knowledge Abilities.

Unskilled (5-pt. Flaw):
As Inept, above, but dealing with Skill Abilities.


Dark Secret (1-pt. Flaw):
You have some sort of secret that, if uncovered, would be of immense embarrassment to you and would make you a pariah in local Kindred community. This could be anything from having murdered an elder to being a member of the Sabbat. This Flaw may also be used for characters that have dirty little secrets that would be catastrophically terrible if revealed.

Gregarious (1-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
Among the worst breaches of etiquette a Sluagh can commit is spending too much time in the company of other. A Gregarious Sluagh may win friends and influence other Kithian, but is likely to aquire a bad odor among others of her kind. If you are Gregarious, you will be ostracized by other Sluagh, not invited to High Teas, and left unappraised for information that might otherwise be of use. Player, your Gregarious Sluagh is at -2 on all Social rolls involving other Sluagh. And no, you can't keep it a secret.

Infamous Sire (1-pt. Flaw):
Your sire was, and perhaps still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the city's Kindred. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as well.

Insane Sire (1-pt. Flaw):
Your sire has completely lost his grip on reality, and has become dangerously insane. Any wrong committed by your sire may affect your standing, and some of your sire's dangerous schemes may somehow involve you. Because their sires are already assumed to be insane, Malkavians cannot take this Flaw.

Mistaken Identity (1-pt.Flaw):

You look similar to another Kindred, and are mistaken for her, much to your chagrin. This individual's allies will approach you and tell you things you do not want to hear, her enemies will attempt to do away with you, and others will treat you in odd ways. Ultimately you might be able to sort out things, but it will take tremendous effort.

Sire's R
esentment (1-pt. Flaw):
Your sire dislikes you and wishes you ill. Given the smallest opportunity, she will actively seek to do you harm. Your sire's allies also work against you, and many elders resent you.

Twisted Upbringing (1-pt. Flaw):
Your sire was quite malevolent and taught you all the wrong things about Kindred society. All your beliefs about how vampires interact are wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble. Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start the Storyteller will tell you when). But until then, you will continue to believe what you were first told, no matter how others try to "trick" you into thinking otherwise.

Enemy (1-5-pt. Flaw):
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. The power of the enemy depends upon how many points the player wishes to spend (five points indicates the wrath of a Methuselah, archmage, or other potent supernatural foe)

Anachronism (2-pt. Flaw):

You have been a vampire for some time, and are unable (or unwilling) to keep up with the changing times. An Intelligence roll is needed whenever you have to deal with something from a later period than your own breathing days. If the roll is failed, total the net failures and use this total as a negative modifier to your attempts. Example: Osric, a fifth-century Goth by birth, has this Flaw and is attempting to deal with a computer. His Intelligence roll results in two net failures. Osric now has a two-dice penalty when determining the outcome of his attempt to make the infernal machine cooperate. Note that characters with this Flaw will generally have been vampires for longer than the 50 years suggested in Vampire, so Storytellers should decide whether or not to allow this Flaw in their chronicles.

Clan Enmity (2-pt. Flaw):

For some reason, something about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of a clan other than your own. There is a two-dice penalty to all rolls for social dealings with members of this other clan. Select the 'enemy' clan randomly or choose.

Diabolic Sire (2-pt. Flaw):
Your sire is engaged in acts that could cause a tremendous uproar in the Camarilla. She could be wantonly breaking the Masquerade, or hunting down the elders of the city and feasting on their blood. Archons are likely to come to you in order to discover your sire's whereabouts, and they may not believe you if you tell them you do not know.

Foul Mouth (3-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Nockers):
All Nockers cuss, but your use of profanity puts others to shame.

Loudmouth (3-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
Secrets? What Secrets? If you've got a piece of information, you can't resist telling the world. As information is the kith's stock in trade, you're literally giving away the store everytime you open your mouth. It's not that you mean to mouth off, it's just that you can't help yourself. (Player, make a Willpower roll, Difficulty 8, to keep your Sluagh from blurting out any secrets she may know.) Of course, once word gets around that there's a blabbermouth Sluagh in town, you can expect plenty of visitors --- other changelings looking for the latest dirt and whatnot. Then again, folks may try to use you to spread false information, and you're certainly not going to be in the good graces of the other Sluagh.

Reclusive (3-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
Above and beyond the usual Sluagh adversion to companionship, you have a phobia when it comes to others. It takes a real effort (Willpower roll, Difficulty 6) for you to even come out of your lair, and another one every day to keep you from skuttling back in. You're most comfortable at home, and generally don't let others see you, preferring to remain behind curtains or one-way glass. Whenever the Sluagh is in the company of more than one person, you are at a -1 on all rolls unless you make a Willpower roll (difficulty 5).

Ward (3-pt. Flaw):
You are devoted to the protection of a mortal. You may describe your ward, though the Storyteller will actually create her. This character may be a friend or relative from your pre-Embrace days, or simply a mortal you admire and consider important. Wards have a way of getting caught up in the action of stories, and are frequent targets of a character's enemies.

Notoriety (3-pt. Flaw):
You have a bad reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire. There is a two-dice penalty to all dice rolls for social dealings with the city's Kindred. A character with this Flaw may not take the Merit of Reputation.

Hunted (4-pt. Flaw):
You are pursued by a fanatical witch-hunter who believes (perhaps correctly) that you are a danger to humanity. All those with whom you associate, be they mortal or Kindred, may be hunted as well.

Probationary Sect Member (4-pt. Flaw):
You are a defector. You turned traitor to the Camarilla, Sabbat, Followers of Set or other vampiric order, and you still have much to prove before you are accepted by the Kindred you have defected to. Elders, ancillae and even neonates treat you with distrust and even hostility, and your reputation might even sully those whom regularly associate with.


Touch of Frost (1-pt. Flaw):
Plants wither as you approach and die at your touch. Your touch leeches heat from living beings, as though you are made of ice.

Repulsed by Garlic (1-pt. Flaw):
You cannot abide garlic, and the smallest whiff of it's scent will drive you from a room unless you make a successful Willpower roll (difficulty based on the strength of the odor.)

Cursed (1-to-5-pt. Flaw):
You are the recipient of a supernatural curse. The strength and pervasiveness of the curse depends upon how many points you may wish to incur. Examples follow:

* If you pass on a secret you were entrusted with, your betrayal will come back to harm you in someway. (1 pt.)
*You stutter uncontrollably when you try to describe what you have seen or heard. (2 pt.)
*Tools break or malfunction when you try to use them. (3 pt.)
*You are doomed to make enemies of those whom you most love or admire. (4 pt.)
*Every one of your accomplishments or triumphs will eventuall become soiled or fail in some way. (5 pt.)

Cast No Reflection (1-pt. Flaw):
You actually cast no reflection, just like the vampires of legend. This can have a very detrimental effect when trying to pass as a human. Vampires of the Clan Lasombra automatically have this Flaw (and you may be mistaken for one of them if you possess this).

Eerie Presence (2-pt. Flaw):
Mortals have an unconscious awareness of your undead nature, which makes them anxious and ill at ease in your presense. Beause of this, difficulties of all die rolls relating to social interaction with mortals are increased by two.

Magic Susceptibility (2-pt. Flaw):
You are susceptible to the magical rituals of the Tremere, as well as to spells of mages of other creeds and orders. The difficulty to cast a spell upon you is two less, and all spells cast have twice normal effect on you.

Repelled by Crosses (3-pt. Flaw):
You are repelled by the sight of ordinary
crosses, believing them to be symbols of holy might. When confronted by a cross, you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) or flee from the symbol for the duration of the scene. If you botch the roll, not only must you attempt to flee, but the touch of the cross can cause aggravated damage (one health level of damage per turn that the cross touches your skin). This damage cannot be soaked, even if the vampire possesses Fortitude.

Can't Cross Running Water (3-pt. Flaw):
You believe in the old folklore, and cannot cross running water unless you are at least 50 feet above it. Running water is considered to be any body of water at least two feet wide in any direction and not completely stagnant.

Haunted (3-pt. Flaw):
You are haunted by an angry and tormented spirit, most likely one of your first victims. This spirit actively attempts to hinder you, especially when feeding, and does it's utmost to vent it's anguish upon you and anyone in your presense. The Storyteller determines the exact nature of the spirit, it's powers, and whether or not it can eventually be laid to rest.

Grip of the Damned (4-pt. Flaw):
There is no ecstasy in your Embrace --- only terror and pain. Mortals upon whom you feed struggle and shriek all the while as you attempt to feed, requiring you to grapple with them for as long as you wish to take their blood. For vampires with high Humanity, this experiance may require a Humanity roll, at the discretion of the Storyteller.

Hag Ridden (4-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
Somewhere along the line, someone whom you wronged died. This wouldn't be so bad, except now she's a Wraith and she's out to make your life a (brief) living hell. No matter where you go or what you do, your ghost will follow you and attempt to interferr. As you grow in power, so does she, and she won't rest until you're destroyed. The worst part of it is, however, is that you can see her and everything that she's upto, but most of the time, you're powerless to do anything about it.

Knows Too Much (5-pt. Flaw) (Kithbook: Sluagh):
You have learned what many consider to be the great secret of the Sluagh; that Sluagh fae are in their last incarnation, and that beyond this life yawns nothingness. This revelation has twisted your perspective irreperably. No longer do you see any good in the world or others. Nothing means anything to you anymore, and life is simply something to be endured before the darkness that awaits you inevitably swallows your spirit. This also means that others will have an extreamly difficult time convincing you of the urgency of any quests or requests, and you may abruptly lose interest in whatever you're doing as it's simply just too much effort.

Dark Fate (5-pt. Flaw):
You are doomed to experiance Final Death, or worse, suffer eternal agony. No matter what you do, you cannot avoid this terrible fate. At some point during the chronicle, your Dark Fate will come upon you. Even more ghastly is the fact that you occasionally have visions of this fate, and the malaise these images inspire requires an expenditure of a temporary Willpowe point to avoid, or else you lose a die from all your actions for the remainder of the night. It is upto the Storyteller to determine the exact nature of this fate, and when it will occur. This is a difficult Flaw to roleplay; ironically, though it may seem as though it removes all free will, the knowledge of one's death can be quite liberating.

Light-Sensitive (5-pt. Flaw):
You are even more sensitive to sunlight than other vampires are. Sunlight causes double normal damage, and the light of the moon can cause lethal damage in a manner similar to the sun, though it must shine directly upon you. Even bright lights hurt your eyes, requiring the use of sunglasses.
