As exiled nobility, the sidhe remember a time when they ruled proudly in a living dream. Known and feared as the Good Folk, their whims enchanted and terrified mortals for millennia. Now that tale has ended. The gates to Arcadia have closed, the song has ended, and their new kingdom grows cold. For sidhe, the age of wonder has died, and they mourn its passing. This mourning, however, has not ended their lives. Though they fear death like few faeries ever could, they are facing their fate with regal bearing. While others consider them cold and arrogant, the sidhe refuse to lie down and die. For them, the dream is still alive, and they strive to awaken the world from its slumber. The very presence of a sidhe inspires supernatural awe. The sight of a sidhe in her true form captures the hearts of mortals and the essence of the Dreaming.Faerie passions run deep love or vengeance is never forgotten. The ideals of the sidhe are even fiercer, and cost them dearly. Such passion has its price, though. Even Seelie heroes would rather destroy themselves in a blaze of glory than fade away. Their less energetic brethren lose hope and become self-indulgent, letting their freeholds fall into despair as easily as they fall into melancholy. Others become Unseelie tyrants, ruling through cruelty and intrigue. Though exotic in their beauty and lost in their ideals, a few travel among commoners. No matter what path they choose, sidhe are far from human and always stand out among those with whom they associate.
The blessing and curse of the sidhe is to live deeper in the Dreaming world than most fae ever will. This walking dream-state gives most sidhe a glazed look and unfocused air. Bards' songs say that the eldest sidhe live in the past, present and future all at once. Sidhe are also notorious for switching between Courts without warning. Considering their whims, it's no wonder few changelings trust them.
Banality is a deadly curse, and sidhe suffer more from it than any other Kithain. Death is an even greater fear, for sidhe are not believed to be reborn as other changelings are. In these dark times, most never return from death; and it is speculated that the few that do are reincarnated as commoners for them, a fate worse than death. Faced with this dire fate, they resent the Arcadian sidhe for exiling them from paradise. The most hopeless of the Earth-bound sidhe quest in vain for Arcadia or throw themselves into orgies of Glamour-gathering to sustain themselves.
The thought of simply fading away is too much for them, and they will do anything to stay alive. Tormented by their dreams, the beautiful sidhe are outsiders in a human world.
Appearance: The sidhe resemble humans of unearthly beauty; their bodies are perfect, their features pleasing and their hair richly colorful. They are ethereal and carry a hint of sadness even when they laugh. Tall and lean, they are fierce and regal, with tapering pointed ears, angular features and a commanding gaze. Their eyes are of odd yet striking colors, such as violet or silver. They rarely wear anything but the finest clothing.
Lifestyle: Just as the sidhe have positions of esteem in the courts of the Kithain, they tend to hold valuable positions in the mortal world as well. Wealth and privilege are common to them, and they are expected to live affluent lives. Those who cannot often become resentful and fall into a very Unseelie state of mind.
Childlings know of the blessings of their inheritance from a very early age. The best of them act like perfect little gentlemen and ladies, but the worst of them are spoiled rotten and throw tantrums when things don't go their way.
Wilders know they have the opportunity to indulge their every whim outside of court. Although high spirited and presumptuous on occasion, they are Watched carefully once court begins. Seelie wilders are overconfident that their chivalry and nobility will prevail; Unseelie wilders are rebellious and scheme for power.
Grumps fully realize the weight of their lofty positions. Many carry the burden of memories at years gone by. They pine for their glory days and grieve the mistakes they have made. Their greatest release from this weary introspect is the intrigue of the court.
Affinity: The sidhe have not spent enough time on Earth to aquire an Affinity.
Awe and Beauty Sidhe get two extra dots of Appearance during character creation, even if this increases scores above 5. They cannot help but stand out in a crowd. The fury of a sidhe scorned is a majestic and terrifying sight. When one is impassioned, all of her Social rolls (especially Empathy or Intimidation rolls) are at a -2 difficulty. Anyone who tries to attack an angry sidhe head-on must make a Willpower roll; the difficulty ranges from a 6 (for the average sidhe) to an 8 or 9 (for one of suitably high station). These abilities only affect other Kithain and the enchanted, unless the sidhe calls upon the Wyrd.
Noble Bearing Whether heroes or villains, all sidhe are dignified. Any cantrip that would directly make them look foolish immediatly fails.
Sidhe cannot botch Etiquette rolls.
Banality's Curse Sidhe are truly not of this world. The taint of Banality affects them more strongly than it does other fae. Each temporary point of Banality that a highborn gains becomes two points. If a sidhe character must make a roll at a difficulty equal to her Banality (or a roll that's resisted by Banality), treat it as one level higher.
Sidhe are also prone to fits of depression. The weakest of them can overcome these fits by changing their Legacies back and forth. When this happens, the spell must last at least from moonrise to moonrise or sunset to sunset. Strong-willed sidhe escape this mania by retreating further into their Legacies; Seelie become impossibly idealistic and Unseelie sink to the very depths of villainy. Their great extremes can make them almost unendurable.
Quote: Who am I? I am the center of the storm, l am a master of the sword. Draw your blade, cur, or die where you stand.
You may be seated while Erioch Evenstar has an audience with you.
On Boggans It is quite helpful to have gentle and honest commoners. Be careful of what you say around them, though.
On Eshu They may boast and brag, but you should never refuse their tales from afar.
On Nockers Their skills are useful, even if their attitude is grating.
On Pooka Fates forefend! Why do they work so hard to ridicule the noblest of the fae?
On Redcaps Unpleasant, untrustworthy and crude. They're little more than common thugs.
On Satyrs They're good for a brief dalliance, but otherwise, they're not as deep as they make themselves out to be.
On SluaghIt is certainly better to be the recipient of their information than the subject of their curiosity.
On Trolls Honest, fierce and devoted these are the qualities of a staunch man-at-arms.