Setai Renown

The shapeshifters of the Middle Kingdom, loyal as they are to either their tribe or to the greater society of the Beast Courts, have a distinct choice in the roads their lives may take. They may dedicate themselves to their betterment of their Breed, in which case they use Renown rules similar to those of their Western cousins (Khan concern themselves with Cunning, Ferocity and Honor, for example, while such Tengu follow the more Wisdom-oriented pattern of other Corax). However, the majority of hengeyokai involved in the Beast Courts adhere to a Renown system shared by all Changing Breeds of the Courts — the Way of Emerald Virtue. This system makes little provision for the variety of races involved in the Courts, and instead rewards those who follow the common law of the Mandates, obey their courtdivined auspice, fight in sentai or defend the caerns belonging to the Courts as a whole.

Renown is accorded to the role each hengeyokai plays in the court. There are six auspices — the five "active" auspices that are represented in a sentai, and the path of the courtier. Courtiers remain in the court year-round, applying their talents primarily to the maintenance and defense of the dragon nest rather than actively pursuing tasks and missions outside the court's territory. Like so many other things, Renown is a three-part entity. However, the three aspects of hengeyokai Renown are not mutually exclusive; there is much Virtue to be found in following the paths of Glory and Wisdom, while it might speak well of a shapeshifter's Glory to dare much in the name of Wisdom. As a result, the Storyteller can award a temporary point or two more of Renown after a great deed; the hengeyokai know that in following one's path, one honors all paths.

There is a down side to this generosity, however. Losing Renown is a grave affair among hengeyokai; they consider trespasses of such nature highly barbaric behavior. Of course, their definition of barbarism doesn't match the human ideal — to the hengeyokai, a barbarian among shapeshifters is one that is out of balance, relying overmuch on his human or animal nature while ignoring his duties as a shapeshifter. In the eyes of the Courts, a Hakken computer hacker who cultivates contacts among high society may well be seen as less advanced as a Same-Bito hermit who shuns human and shark society in order to learn the ways of the spirit world. Consequently, Renown losses are often more significant among hengeyokai, sometimes even double the penalty a Westerner might suffer — the hengeyokai loses Renown for her offense, and further Renown for the embarrassment of losing Renown at all! The Storyteller should feel free to award hefty penalties to hengeyokai characters who behave poorly; after all, the downside to such an elevated society is a similarly elevated standard of conduct.

Glory: There is no question that bravery is a virtue. The willingness to lay down one's life for the Emerald Mother is one of the most honored traits among hengeyokai. However, this doesn't include idiotic deaths; the Hakken never took to seppuku as readily as did the humans, because the shapeshifters are few enough already. Hengeyokai Glory represents valor, ferocity, steadfastness, loyalty to the courts and martial skill; those without Glory receive little respect from those who are willing to die for the Mother.

Virtue: Like the Garou concept of Honor, Virtue embodies dignity, integrity, honesty and loyalty to the Mandates. The hengeyokai, however, rank these qualities as signs of virtue rather than honor largely because honor is highly subjective; what a Hakken finds to be honorable behavior is rarely what a Nezumi considers proper conduct. Virtue represents the ability to act in accordance to Gaia's laws, to cooperate with other hengeyokai without compromising one's own duties. Those without Virtue are considered disrespectful of the Courts' harmony and potential troublemakers.

Wisdom: In all things, one must cultivate Wisdom. It is the call of the spirit world, the promise of enlightenment, the potential to be one with one's duty, ancestors, surroundings and the Mother. Hengeyokai standards of Wisdom are notably high, and those who do not cultivate this virtue are considered barbaric creatures, too much of human or beast.

Experiance Chart
Trait                                                            Cost
Gift                                                         Level of Gift x 3  
Common Courts Gift                               Level of Gift x4   
Gift from other breed/auspice/tribe           Level of Gift x 5*
*Shapeshifters cannot learn Gifts above Level Three from outside their Changing Breed.

Setai Rank

The hengeyokai recognize five steps of Rank, as do Western shapechangers. Their titles for the various ranks are phrased in the form of various materials, and are used as general modifiers rather than out-and-out titles; thus where a Western Garou might introduce himself as an Ahroun Cliath, a hengeyokai would refer to herself as a Gold Courtier.

Hengeyokai wear the colors or materials of their rank openly, as a visual cue for their fellow  shapeshifters or to the spirits. They traditionally pair the material or color in question with a symbol, glyph, mon or badge representing their sentai or court; for example, a Silver-rank Nezumi of the Biting Rain Court might wear a white armband embroidered with the emblem of his court (since a silver mon would be obviously impractical). Hengeyokai who have yet to pass their Rite of Passage are called Stone, and their color is gray. In ascending order, the five Ranks beyond are Wood ( brown) , Iron (red), Steel (blue), Gold (yellow), and Silver (white); silver is considered paramount, due to its association with the Moon. Those legendary heroes who rise to the equivalent of Rank 6 are called Jade, and their color is green; those entitled to wear a jade badge are respected throughout the Middle Kingdom.

What's to stop a pretender from wearing the colors of a rank to which he's not entitled? Although few hengeyokai care whether or not a Rank One Tengu wears silver j ewelry or white clothing, if the same Tengu tried to wear a silver or white badge of rank, the spirits would most assuredly notice. Just as the spirits act as witnesses to rites of Renown, the communal memory of Gaia's heavenly servants knows full well who is exactly of what station. True, a Gaffling might not notice the difference immediately, but it would be sure to mention the Tengu's rank in passing to a Jaggling, and the gossip would spread from there. Those who aspire to an unearned station quickly find their rites impotent as the spirits ignore their calls, and discover that no spirit teachers for Gifts are available.

Of course, hengeyokai legend tells of a few instances where great heroes had to resort to such bluffs to save their caerns and families. However, such heroes often had to work off their karmic debt afterwards in order to regain the spirits' blessing. It is a tactic that has worked before, but that holds no guarantee to work again. To be on the safe side, it is more prudent to disguise oneself in the color of a lower Rank than your own, should such tactics become necessary. Obviously, with all these formalities, the amount of titles heaped on one hengeyokai can be staggering. It's not uncommon for a Hakken's formal title as a court regent to run something like "The Iron Pillar Motomuchi Slashes- Heaven, Theurge to Clan Yomitachi, South Wind and Moon Talon to the Forest Shaker Sentai" — and that doesn't even include the possibility of listing his deeds! Since shapeshifters are a generally impatient lot, such titles are frequently abbreviated. The most common exception is when dealing with the spirit courts, when an extended recital of one's faithfully obeyed duties is important to making a good first impression.

Renown Chart
Rank                  Glory                   Virtue                 Wisdom
l(Wood)                0                          3                          0
2(Iron)                  2                          5                          1
3(Steel)                 3                          7                          3
4 (Gold)                4                          8                          5
5 (Silver)              6                        10                          7

Rank                  Glory                   Virtue                 Wisdom
l(Wood)                2                          1                          0
2(Iron)                  5                          3                          1
3(Steel)                 7                          4                          2
4 (Gold)                9                          6                          3
5 (Silver)               10                        8                          4

Rank                  Glory                   Virtue                 Wisdom
l(Wood)                0                          0                          3
2(Iron)                  1                          1                          5
3(Steel)                 2                          2                          7
4 (Gold)                3                          3                          9
5 (Silver)              5                          4                        10

Rank                                 Any Combination          
l(Wood)                                          3                          
2(Iron)                                            9                          
3(Steel)                                           14                          
4 (Gold)                                          19                          
5 (Silver)                                         25                          

Rank                  Glory                   Virtue                 Wisdom
l(Wood)                1                          1                          1
2(Iron)                  3                          2                          3
3(Steel)                 4                          4                          4
4 (Gold)                5                          6                          5
5 (Silver)              7                         8                          7

Rank                  Glory                   Virtue                 Wisdom
l(Wood)                1                          1                          1
2(Iron)                  2                          3                          3
3(Steel)                 3                          5                          4
4 (Gold)                4                          7                          7
5 (Silver)              6                        9                           9

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