
    Physical Attributes define the condition of a character's body. They indicate how strong, agile and resilient a character is. Physical Attributes should be taken as the primary category for an action-oriented character.


    Stregnth is the raw, brute pwer of a character. It governs how much weight a character can life, how much he can physically push and how hard he can hit another character or object. The Stregnth Trait is added to a character's damage dice pool, when he hits his opponent in hand-to-hand combat. It is also used when a character wishes to break, lift, or carry something, as well as when a character tries to jump a distance. (Difference in a character's size can possibly change these ratings, upon Storyteller discretion.)
    Specialties: Iron Grip, Powerful Arms, Reserves of Stregnth, Fists Like Anvils

• Poor: You can lift 40 lbs.
•• Average: You can lift 100 lbs.
••• Good: You can lift 150 lbs.
•••• Exceptional: You can lift 200 lbs
••••• Outstanding: You can lift 300 lbs. and crush skulls with your bare hands.


    The Dexterity Attribute measures a character's general physical prowess. It encompasses the character's speed, agility and overall quickness, as well as indicating the character's ability to manipulate objects with control and precision. Also included under Dexterity's heading are hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and bodily grace.
    Specialities: Lithe, Swift, Feline Grace, Lightning Reflexes

• Poor: You are clumsy and awkward. Put that gun down before you hurt yourself.
•• Average: You're no clod, but you're no ballerina either.
••• Good: You possess some degree of athletic potential.
•••• Exceptional: You could be an acrobat if you wished.
••••• Outstanding: You're movements are liquid and hypnotic -- almost superhuman.


    The Stamina Trait reflects a character's health, toughness and resilience. It indicates how long a character can exert herself and how much punishment she can withstand before suffering physical trauma. Stamina also includes a bit of psychic fortitude, indicating a character's grit and tenacity not to give up.
    Specialties: Tireless, Determined, Tough as Nails, Resolute.

• Poor: You bruise in a stiff wind.
•• Average: You are moderately healthy and can take a punch or two.
••• Good: You are in good shape and rarely fall ill.
•••• Exceptional: You can run -- and perhaps win -- any marathon you choose.
••••• Outstanding: Your consitution is truly Herculean.


    Social Attributes delineate a character's appearance, charm and ability to interact with society. These Traits are paramount in determining a character's first impressions, personal dynamics, and relations with other individuals.


    Charisma is a character's ability to entice and please others through her personality. Charisma comes into question when a character tries to win another character's sympathies or encourage others to trust her. Charisma does not indicate necessarily a silver tongue or a skill with bullying. Rather, it is the simple power of a character's charm and influence. Charisma  delineates a character's ability at convincing others to see her point of view.
    Specialties: Smooth Talker, Genteel, Urbane, Witty, Eloquent Speaker, Graceful.

• Poor: Stop picking your nose.
•• Average: You are generally likable and have several friends
••• Good: People trust you implicitly
•••• Exceptional: You have significant personal magnetism.
••••• Outstanding: Entire cultures could follow your lead.


    Manipulation measures a character's ability for self-expression in the interests of getting others to share her outlook or follow her whims. In short, it's getting others to do what she wants. Manipulation comes into play when a character tries to influence or subtly guide another's behavior. Manipulation is used to trick, bluff, fast-talk and railroad other characters. Whether or not the characters in question actually like the manipulator is irrelevant (this is why Manipulation differs from Charisma); a skilled motivator can even employ the talents of people who hate her.
 Manipulation is a dangerous affair, especially among the well influenced. Failed attempts at manipulation often earn the ire of the would-be patsy. Botching a Manipulation roll may add a name to the character's list of enemies.
    People are manipulated every day, and typically ignore it. ("Would you run to the store for me?") If the fact is brought to their attention, however, most people get quite defensive. Manipulation can be the most powerful tool in a character's repertoire, but failure can be disasterous. Characters with high Manipulation ratings are often distrusted by those around them.
    Specialties: Persuasive,  "Damn I'm Smooth," Seductive, Well-Reasoned

• Poor: A person of few (often ineffectual) words.
•• Average: You can fool some of the people some of the time, just like anybody else.
••• Good: You never pay full price.
•••• Exceptional: You could be a politician or cult leader.
••••• Outstanding: "Of course I'll tell the President it was I who tried to assassinate him!"


    The Appearance Attribute is the measure of a character's attractiveness. More than simple looks, however, Appearance is the sum of a character's visibile grace, beauty and the indefinable je ne sais quoi that makes people desirable.
    Appearance both more and less than words -- it appeals to the lower levels of the psyche, so it shapes first impressions and the nature of memories thereafter. No matter how open-minded a persona is, no matter how vehemently he claims, "Her personality is more important than her looks," a person still thinks of another in relation to the subject's appearance.
    This Trait is used for more than getting potential trysts to heed your beckon across a crowded dance floor. In situations in which first impressions are paramount, or that involve people who view Appearance as important, a character may have no more dice in a Social dice pool than her Appearance score. Thus, it is critically imortant to either look your best or get to know people before you start trying to convince them to firebomb a government building.

• Poor: Ugly as a mud fence.
•• Average: You don't stand out in a crowd, for better or for worse.
••• Good: Strangers offer to buy you drinks at bars.
•••• Exceptional: You are appealing enough to be a mode, and people often go out of their way to tell you so.
••••• Outstanding: People react to you with either insane jealousy or beatific awe.


    Mental Attributes define a character's cerebral capacities, including such aspects as memory, intelligence, awareness of one's surroundings and the ability to think, learn and react.


    Perception measures a character's ability to observe his encironment. This may involve a conscious effort, such as searching an area, but is more often intuitive, as the character's keen senses notice something out of the ordinary.  Perception is a sensitivity to the character's surroundings, and is seldom present in the cynical or jaded (who have seen it all before).
    Perception is used to determine whether or not a character understands a given situation or detects an enviromental stimulus. It can warn a character of ambushes, help a character identify a metaphor, distinguish a clue from a pile of refuse or uncover any other hidden or overlookable detail, wether physical or otherwise.
    Specialties: Attentive, Insightful, Careful, Discerning, Experienced.

• Poor: Perhaps you are absurdly self-absorbed, perhaps merely an airhead, in any events, even the most obvious details elude you.
•• Average: You are oblivious to the very subtle, but aware of the bigger picture.
••• Good: You percieve moods, textures, and miniscule changes in your enviroment.
•••• Exceptional: Almost nothing evades your notice.
••••• Outstanding: You instantly observe things almost imperceptible to human senses.


    The Intelligence Attribute refers to a character's grasp of facts and knowledges. More importantly, however, it governs a character's ability to reason, solve problems and evaluate situations. Intelligence is almost amisnomer, as the Attribute also includes critical thinking and flexibility of thought.
    Intelligence does not include savvy, wisdom or common sense, as those are properties of the character's personalit, not Traits. Even the smartest character may be too foolish to keep her mouth shut or too daft to assume the thugs who want her car keys are up to no good.
    Characters with low Intelligence, aren't necessarily stupid (though they might be), they are just uneducated or simple thinkers. Likewise, characters with high Intelligence aren't all Einsteins, they may be better at rote memorization or have particularly keen judgement.
    Specialties: Book Knowledge, Creative, Analytical, Problem Solver, Subject Authority.

• Poor:  Not the sharpest knife in the drawer (IQ 80)
•• Average: Smart enough to realize you're normal (IQ 100)
••• Good: More enlightened than the masses (IQ 120)
•••• Exceptional: You're not just bright, you're downright brilliant (IQ 140)
••••• Outstanding: Certified Genius (IQ 160+)


    The Wits Trait measures the character's ability to think on her feet and react quickly to a certain situation. It also reflects a character's general cleverness. Characters with lw Wits scores are thick and mentally lethargic, or maybe gullible and unsophisticated. By contrast, characters with high Wits Traits almost always have a plan immeidately and adapt to their surroundings with striking expedience. Characters with high Wits also manage to keep their cool in stressful situations.
    Specialties: Getting the Jump on Others, Snappy Patter, Changes in Strategy, Ambushes.

• Poor: Pull my finger.
•• Average: You know when to bet or fold in poker.
••• Good: You are seldom surprised or left speechless.
•••• Exceptional: You're one of the people who make others think, "Ooh, I should have said..." the next day.
••••• Outstanding: You think and respond almost more quickly than you can act.